
Al Bayan Academy

Al Bayan Academy is a leading provider of online Islamic education courses for students of all ages. Our interactive curriculum allows students to learn at their own pace from anywhere in the world. Students can choose from a wide range of courses covering Quran recitation, Islamic studies, Arabic language and more.  
Our experienced instructors use the latest technology to deliver engaging video lessons, live webinars, discussion forums and quizzes. Students receive personalized feedback and have access to an online student portal to track their progress. For those looking to memorize the Quran, we provide specialized hifz courses tailored to different levels.
At Al Bayan Academy, we are committed to making Islamic knowledge accessible globally. Our affordable courses fit different budgets. We also offer scholarships for students in need. Parents can enroll their children knowing they will receive a quality Islamic education in a safe online environment. Join our student community today and take the first step towards becoming a well-rounded Muslim.

Career Opportunities

Online Quran Tutor
Teach the Quran to students internationally and domestically. Spread the knowledge of the Quran.

Call Center Representative
Apply now and send your CV at hr@albayanacademy.ae

More than 6 million students are currently in online courses as part of their higher education program

The statement "More than 6 million students are currently in online courses as part of their higher education program" is true due to the increasing popularity and accessibility of online education. With advancements in technology and the widespread availability of internet connectivity, more students are opting for online courses as part of their higher education journey.

Online education offers the flexibility to pursue studies remotely, allowing students to overcome geographical barriers and fit their education around other commitments. Additionally, the variety of online programs and subjects available caters to a wide range of interests and career goals. The convenience, flexibility, and diverse offerings of online courses have attracted millions of students worldwide, resulting in the significant number mentioned in the statement.

Almost half of all students enrolled in online courses are educated exclusively through distance education

Almost half of online students are exclusively educated through distance education due to online learning platforms providing remote access to course materials, lectures, and interactive tools. Students can learn at their own pace, submit assignments, and engage in discussions without physical attendance. This convenience, flexibility, and technology advancements enable comprehensive education solely through online courses, eliminating the need for in-person interactions.